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DGA Calls on Rauner to Renounce Greitens After Bombshell Legislative Report

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Missouri Governor Appeared in Rauner TV Ad; New Report Accuses Greitens of Forced Sexual Encounter

Today, the Democratic Governors Association called on Bruce Rauner to renounce the endorsement of Missouri Governor Eric Greitens, following a Missouri House special committee investigative report that accused Greitens of a forced sexual encounter and attempt to blackmail his hairdresser.
Governor Bruce Rauner had Greitens appear in a television ad across Illinois. He has refused to renounce Greitens’ endorsement since the allegations first came to light, saying he wouldn’t take a position saying “those allegations need to be investigated.”
“The allegations have been investigated and it’s time for Bruce Rauner to do the right thing and call on Eric Greitens to step down,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Bruce Rauner should clearly say that this abusive behavior is unacceptable and renounce his political ally Eric Greitens.”