DGA Calls On McMaster to Release Payment Details on Trump’s SC Trip

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McMaster Won’t Say How Much Taxpayers Will Pay for Trump’s Appearance at Private Fundraiser

Today, the DGA is calling on Gov. Henry McMaster to release the payment details surrounding President Trump’s visit to South Carolina. It’s been eight days since the president attended a fundraiser for McMaster’s campaign, and the campaign has yet to disclose who paid for the travel.
The Post and Courier reports that McMaster’s campaign refused to say how much of the president’s travel expenses they are covering. Air Force One costs $206,000 per hour, so the bill could be pretty steep:
Wanting to know who paid for Air Force One to ferry Trump for his 21Ž2-hour stay in South Carolina, we asked the McMaster campaign.
Senior campaign strategist Tim Pearson said talk to the White House. 
That was no help. New White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley, a one-time S.C. political operative, said to ask the McMaster campaign.
So we have no answer.
We do know this: Whatever McMaster doesn’t pay for is getting picked up by the taxpayers. But he refuses to say just how much that is.
“Taxpaying South Carolinians deserve to know how much they paid to bail out Henry McMaster’s campaign,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Until he proves otherwise, it looks like McMaster is propping up his campaign on the back of taxpayers. If McMaster won’t be honest with South Carolinians about his campaign finances, how can they trust him to run the state?” 
