DGA Calls on McCrory to Condemn Trump’s Judge Remarks

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DGA Calls on McCrory to Condemn Trump’s Judge Remarks

National Republicans denounce Trump’s comments on judge; why does McCrory stand behind Trump?

Today, the Democratic Governors Association is calling on North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory to announce whether he agrees with Donald Trump that judges’ racial backgrounds should be a factor in which cases they hear.

Top national Republicans have spoken out against Trump’s claims that Federal Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel’s race affected his ability to deliver impartial rulings in cases involving Trump University. House Speaker Paul Ryan called Trump’s position “the textbook definition of a racist comment.” Republican governors including Ohio Governor John Kasich have also condemned Trump’s comments.

 But, while Republican leaders across the country speak up on Trump’s racist remarks, Pat McCrory has stayed quiet.

 As governor, McCrory has the responsibility of selecting judges to fill vacancies in the North Carolina court system. Earlier on Tuesday, McCrory reiterated his support for Donald Trump for president. 

“While other Republicans have spoken up against Donald Trump’s racist comments, Pat McCrory has doubled down on his support for Trump,” said DGA communications director Jared Leopold. “It’s time for McCrory to tell North Carolina whether he agrees with Trump that judges’ ethnicity should be a factor in their ability to hear cases. It’s a shame that Pat McCrory doesn’t have the courage to stand up to Donald Trump.” 
