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DGA Calls on Laxalt and DeWine to Condemn Trump Jr. Tweets

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Last night, Adam Laxalt and Donald Trump Jr. were shoulder to shoulder, campaigning for Republicans in Nevada. Two weeks ago, Trump Jr. was fundraising for Mike DeWine in Ohio.
This morning, Donald Trump Jr. went to Twitter to mock Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and her testimony, as she bravely described a sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Last week, he had also mocked Ford on Instagram.
“Adam Laxalt and Mike DeWine need to answer: do they stand by Donald Trump Jr. after his mocking of a brave survivor of sexual assault?” said Democratic Governors Association Deputy Communications Director David Turner. “Both Laxalt and DeWine should unequivocally condemn Trump Jr. for these gutless attacks of a sexual assault survivor. After campaigning with Donald Trump Jr., do Laxalt and DeWine still stand with him?”