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DGA-Backed Group Releases First TV Ad of 2022, Exposing Fraud, Failures, & Chaos Among MI Republicans

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Today, Put Michigan First, a group backed by the Democratic Governors Association, is releasing its first TV ad of 2022, titled “Forged.”  The ad exposes the fraud, failures, and chaos among Republican politicians across Michigan.

The ad calls out James Craig and Perry Johnson for their mass fraud scandal, Kevin Rinke for his record of workplace harassment, Tudor Dixon for her failed acting career, and Garrett Soldano for pushing fake COVID cures, along with the FBI’s recent arrest of Ryan Kelley for his role in the violent attack on the United States Capitol on January 6th.

The ad touts Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s record of protecting free and secure elections in Michigan, which is a major contrast to the Republicans in the ad, who are all on the same side when it comes to promoting dangerous conspiracy theories and policies that undermine American democracy.

The TV ad will begin running statewide this week, including during primetime slots on Fox News in Detroit, Lansing, Alpena, Flint, Marquette, and Traverse City.

“The FBI’s arrest of Ryan Kelley for attacking the U.S. Capitol highlights how this entire crowd of Republicans back policies that are too radical for Michigan, with a long list of failures that includes breaking the law, mass fraud, harassment, and pushing fake medicine,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “Maybe this never-ending Republican chaos would be a good script for one of Tudor Dixon’s low-budget horror movies, but it’s the wrong agenda for Michigan families. Meanwhile, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer continues to put Michigan first by protecting free and secure elections.”

Watch the ad here and see a full transcript below:

This Republican Police Chief tried to become governor by breaking the law, using thousands of forged signatures. 

This Republican “quality guru’s” campaign … mass fraud. 

A pill salesman …  shut down for fake COVID cures. 

A car salesman … sued for harassment. 

An actress in low-budget horror movies. 

And this guy … just got arrested by the FBI for attacking the Capitol. 

While Governor Whitmer is protecting free and secure elections for Michigan. 
