DGA-Backed Group Launches New Ad In Montana

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Good Jobs MT, an independent organization backed by the Democratic Governors Association, released a new TV ad in Montana, “Reasons.”

There are a lot of reasons Montanans don’t like New Jersey multi-millionaire Greg Gianforte.

As Montana’s sole Congressman, Gianforte voted in favor of putting Social Security at risk while receiving millions in tax breaks for himself. He doesn’t believe in Social Security, saying, “The example I think of is Noah. How old was Noah when he built the ark? 600, yeah ok. He wasn’t like cashing Social Security checks, he wasn’t hanging out.

Gianforte pushes for special treatment for himself. He argued in favor of a sales tax in Montana because he thinks “the fairest tax is the one you pay and I don’t.”

And he supports efforts to sell off Montanans’ public lands to special interests. His foundation gave thousands to groups that wanted to sell off public land, and in Congress, Gianforte introduced a pair of bills to strip protections from nearly 700,000 acres of public lands. Gianforte also sued Montanans to block access to a popular fishing spot near his mansion.

New Jersey multi-millionaire Greg Gianforte – there’s nothing to like about him as Montana’s governor.

Watch the new 30-second ad here.