DGA-Backed Group Launches New Ad in Maryland

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Ad: ‘Ben Jealous, the education governor Maryland needs.’

Today, Democratic Action, an independent expenditure backed by the Democratic Governors Association, launched a new ad in Maryland. “Commitment” highlights Larry Hogan’s record of cutting millions from Maryland’s public schools and contrasts it with Ben Jealous’ commitment to fully funding education.
The ad is up on Maryland broadcast TV today with a significant six-figure buy. It is available HERE
Narrator: “Parents and teachers know the real story on Larry Hogan and our schools.
“The fact is, many public schools have slipped, some even in crisis.
“And Governor Hogan cut $68 million we should be investing directly on our local schools. 
“Let’s get Maryland back to basics. 
“Ben Jealous, the only candidate backed by classroom teachers for his commitment to fully funding education. 
“Ben Jealous, the education governor Maryland needs.”