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DGA Announces New Web Video: Meet Job-Killing Kemp

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Kemp’s Embrace of Divisive Issues Threatens GA’s Economy and Families 

Today, the Democratic Governors Association launched a new web video “Meet Job-Killing Kemp” to highlight Brian Kemp’s troubling record and embrace of divisive issues that threaten Georgia’s economy. Watch the video HERE:

Throughout his campaign, Kemp has vowed to put politics and his self-interest above Georgians, including by pledging to sign contentious legislation like the anti-LGBTQ bill that Gov. Nathan Deal vetoed for driving away companies looking to invest in the state. Throughout the campaign, Deal’s team pushed back against Kemp and his opponents for their anti-business policies.
From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution report:
Gov. Nathan Deal’s top aide urged the candidates in the crowded gubernatorial field to strike a cautious note next year with “religious liberty” proposals and other socially conservative legislation, warning that embracing contentious measures could imperil the state’s bid for Amazon’s second headquarters.
The LA Times captured the implications of Kemp’s nomination perfectly:
Still, many in Atlanta, the bustling, entrepreneurial capital of the new South, have watched aghast as Kemp has played up his gung-ho, country-boy conservatism. A hard-line right governor who caters to white rural voters, they fear, could set the state back socially and economically.
“If Brian Kemp is elected, Georgia will be closed for business,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Job-Killing Kemp and his far-right agenda is a threat to Georgia’s economy. Stacey Abrams is the only candidate who will fight to give all Georgians the freedom to succeed.”
