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Democratic Governors Leading the Way on Job Creation

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With less than one month to go until the election, the numbers are flying – and it’s important to look at the facts about how Democratic governors are working to create jobs, expand opportunity, and make the modern investments a modern economy needs to continue growing.
Here’s a look at where Democratic governors stack up against their Republican counterparts when it comes to creating jobs, driving down foreclosures, and helping lift our fellow Americans out of poverty:
Democratic governors are creating more jobs than their Republican counterparts:
Over the past 12 months (Aug. 2011-Aug. 2012), states with Democratic Governors created, on average, 39,300 jobs. By comparison, states with Republican Governors created, on average, 33,100 jobs.
States led by Democratic governors are recovering jobs faster than states led by Republicans:
Four of the five states struggling the most to recover the jobs lost during the Bush recession are led by Republican governors.
Democratic governors are driving down foreclosures faster than Republican governors.
As of August 2012, states with Democratic governors had an average foreclosure rate of 10.2 per 10,000 households compared to 10.8 per 10,000 households in states with Republican Governors.
Democratic governors are driving down poverty rates more significantly than Republican governors.
While we have a long way to go to ensure all Americans are living free from the crush of poverty, Democratic governors are leading the way: last year, the poverty rate across states led by Democratic governors was 10% lower than the national average.
The numbers don’t lie, and while we know that much work remains, it’s clear that Democratic governors are leading the way when it comes to creating jobs and expanding opportunity for middle class Americans while pursuing a balanced approach to continue rebuilding our economy.
Jobs.Opportunity. Now.,

Martin O’Malley