Democratic Governors Elect Gov. Cuomo as Next Vice Chair of National Governors Association

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Today, America’s Democratic Governors voted to make New York Governor Andrew Cuomo the next Vice Chair of the National Governors Association. Montana Governor Steve Bullock is currently the Chair of the bipartisan organization through next July. Upon the conclusion of his term, a Republican will serve as NGA Chair, and Governor Cuomo will become Vice Chair.
Cuomo will also continue to serve for another term as DGA’s Policy Chair.
“I congratulate Governor Andrew Cuomo on his election to the National Governors Association as its Vice Chair,” said DGA Chair Governor Gina Raimondo. “The people of New York and the nation’s governors will be well-served by his leadership and service to this bipartisan organization. I also thank Governor Steve Bullock for his service as the NGA’s current Chair. Democratic Governors represent more than half of the residents of United States, and we will continue to be well represented on policy at the NGA.” 
“The NGA is a critical platform to bring together bipartisan views and forge a path forward for our country at a time of deep political divide,” Governor Andrew Cuomo said. “Today more than ever, states must lead the way advancing smart, effective policies and building a stronger future for the country. In New York, we have proudly set an example with our historic infrastructure program, fiscal responsibility and groundbreaking legislation like the $15 minimum wage, Paid Family Leave, gun safety laws, and free college tuition for middle class families. I thank the Democratic Governors Association for entrusting me to serve as their choice as Vice Chair to the National Governors Association as well as continue to serve as Policy Director of the DGA.  I look forward to working with governors nationwide to enact meaningful change for the entire country.”
