Democratic Governors Association Unveils “”

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Yesterday, Tim Pawlenty launched his post-lobbying career with a snooze of a video announcing his candidacy for governor of Minnesota. Ironically, after two failed terms as governor, and one epic disaster of a presidential campaign, Pawlenty still believes that experience is what Minnesotans want in their next governor.
Today, the Democratic Governors Association launched The simple, to-the-point website highlights all the ways Pawlenty was a spectacular failure as governor. Republicans like Norm Coleman know Pawlenty’s record does not lend itself to a winning message.
“After leaving Minnesota with a $6 billion budget deficit, schools underfunded by $2 billion, and hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans out of work, Pawlenty hightailed it to D.C. to make millions doing Wall Street’s bidding,” said Deputy Communications Director David Turner. “Now he has the audacity to criticize the bipartisan coalition that was forced to clean up the mess he left behind. His only signature achievement was a historic level of mismanagement, and Minnesotans don’t want to spend another decade fixing the problems he creates.” will be maintained throughout the campaign and is the first of a series of digital products that will highlight all the ways Pawlenty has worked against the interests of Minnesota families.