Democratic Governors Association Launches Rauner’s Broken Record Tour
As Rauner Preps for Re-Election, Illinoisans are Speaking Out Against Four More Years of Failed Leadership
On Tuesday in Springfield, the Democratic Governors Association will launch the “Rauner’s Broken Record Tour,” to focus on the Illinoisans who have been hurt by Gov. Bruce Rauner’s record as governor. The tour will focus on Rauner’s failures as governor as he nears the 1,000 day mark on October 8th, 2017 and as he begins to circulate petitions for re-election.
The Rauner Broken Record tour will be making stops in multiple cities starting with Springfield and Carbondale on Tuesday.
Under Rauner, Illinois has reached new lows. His refusal to compromise pushed the state into a two-and-a-half year budget impasse, the longest since the Great Depression. His practice of playing political games instead of putting Illinois families first drove out jobs, piled on debt, and weakened the state’s education system. And his failure to lead has put Illinois’ economic future in doubt.
“Governor Rauner thinks he should be reelected but he’s running on a broken record – higher debt, jobs lost, and services cut,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Illinois is doing worse and Bruce Rauner’s failed leadership is to blame. Come election day, Illinois voters will remember the damage done by Rauner to their communities.”
Illinois cannot afford four more years of Bruce Rauner, and Illinoisans are speaking out as he prepares to announce his bid for re-election.
Details on Events:
Where: Outside the Governor’s Mansion at 5th and Jackson
When: 9:30 am, Tuesday September 19th
Who: The Rauner’s Broken Record Tour will feature Springfield Alderwoman Doris Turner and Sangamon County Board Member Tony DelGiorno along with local community members who will speak out about Rauner’s failed record.
Where: Heartland Apartments, 805 East College Street, Carbondale IL
When: 2:15 pm, Tuesday September 19th
Who: The Rauner’s Broken Record Tour will feature former Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon along with local community members who will speak out about Rauner’s failed record.