Democratic Governors Association Launches, a New Website Highlighting Adam Putnam’s Dirty Record on Lake Okeechobee Pollution

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Algae Adam Has a Decades-Long Record of Opposing Efforts to  Clean Up Florida’s Water

Today, the Democratic Governors Association launched, a new website detailing Adam Putnam’s toxic record of supporting policies that have contributed to Florida’s dangerous algae bloom. For decades, Putnam has opposed efforts to clean up Florida’s water and protect communities and businesses from pollution.
“Algae Adam is one of Florida’s dirtiest politicians, and during his two decades in office he has repeatedly sold out Florida to toxic special interests,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director David Turner.

The new site highlights Algae Adam’s decades-long record of refusing to address Lake Okeechobee pollution. As Agriculture Commissioner, Algae Adam backed a water bill that gutted water quality regulations and replaced them with squishy voluntary measures that have done little to prevent pollution. As the Gainesville Sun Editorial Board wrote just this week, Algae Adam has “been hostile to meaningful environmental regulations, instead favoring voluntary measures to control pollution from agricultural operations such as the sugarcane growers in the Everglades area.”
Putnam’s record has drawn the ire even of fellow Republicans. Nathaniel Reed — one of Florida’s leading environmentalists and a former Nixon and Ford interior official who passed away this week — said that Putnam was “all too silent on the issues of Everglades agricultural pollution.” And last year, Republican Senate President Joe Negron took the extraordinary step last year of reminding Putnam that he had “a responsibility to look after the environmental condition of every part of Florida.”
