Dem Govs Get It Done: Gov. Wolf’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan For Pennsylvania

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Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled a three-phase “Plan for Pennsylvania” to provide both individual and business financial relief and to allow for an expedient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The plan addresses everything from student loan debt and food insecurity to paid family and medical leave and protections for workers.
Gov. Wolf is also part of a regional reopening pact with the governors of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Massachusetts.
Wolf noted that the Plan for Pennsylvania is an initial framework and a strong testing regime will need to be in place before reopening, but when that time comes, Gov. Wolf will be ready.
Read more about Gov. Wolf’s Plan for Pennsylvania below:
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Gov. Tom Wolf lays out plan for reopening Pennsylvania’s economy
The plan to reopen Pennsylvania’s economy will be slow and gradual, hinging on a “regional, sector-based approach,” Gov. Tom Wolf said Friday, though he offered no timetable on when the plan would be enacted.
“Over the next few weeks, we will need to continue our social distancing efforts while we plan for a phased reopening,” he said.
A “strong testing regime” will be necessary for that reopening, he said, and monitoring will be in place to spot outbreaks or resurgences. Large gatherings will continue to be limited, and employers will be required to follow guidelines from the Department of Health and other state agencies.
Pennlive: Gov. Tom Wolf unveils 6-point plan for reopening Pa.; here’s his list
Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled the key criteria of his plan for reopening Pennsylvania amid the coronavirus pandemic on Friday.
A six-point plan was outlined during a televised address, but Wolf provided no timetable for when they could start taking place. He added that more specifics will be forthcoming next week.
WGAL: Pennsylvania governor releases framework to reopen state; Details of plan expected next week
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf said in a speech on Friday that it is not time for complacency in the battle against coronavirus, but it is time to start talking about relief, reopening and recovery for Pennsylvania. A framework for Wolf’s plan was announced, but the actual details won’t be released until next week.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: ‘I’m asking you to stay the course’: Gov. Tom Wolf outlines broad plan for reopening Pennsylvania
Gov. Tom Wolf on Friday presented the broad outlines of his administration’s requirements for relaxing restrictions on businesses and residents in Pennsylvania, including expanded testing and systems for tracking when people are becoming sick with the coronavirus.
But he did not provide a specific timeline for reopening the state, nor did he provide benchmarks on which he would base that decision.
The Democratic governor instead advocated for taking a gradual and regional approach toward opening certain business and industry sectors, with a requirement that hospitals and health systems in those areas have adequate bed space and personal protective equipment.
WPVI: Gov. Tom Wolf outlines plan for eventual reopening of Pennsylvania
Gov. Tom Wolf outlined how he sees Pennsylvania emerging from the coronavirus pandemic after weeks of social distancing that have kept people at home and out of a job.
Wolf unveiled Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 “Relief, Reopening, Recovery” plan during a news conference on Friday afternoon.
He called the plan a “framework” and said he would lay out more concrete steps next week.
“There is no magic wand to wave to get us back to where we want to be,” Wolf said. “There’s not going to be one big day.”