Dem Govs Get it Done: Gov. Ned Lamont Announces More Than 90% of K-12 Employees in Connecticut Are Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19

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This Thanksgiving, Connecticut families and parents can be grateful for a high vaccination rate among staff in K-12 employees that’s keeping schools open and kids safe.

Gov. Ned Lamont announced that more than 90% of public and private school employees are vaccinated against COVID-19 and the overwhelming majority are following the governor’s executive order for K-12 staff to get vaccinated or else tested for COVID-19.

Gov. Lamont also announced that the vaccination rate of public school employees exceeds 95% in 73 of Connecticut’s school districts.

In addition to the high vaccination rates among school staff, 84% of state executive employees are fully vaccinated, an increase from nearly 81% on Oct. 22.

“Throughout the pandemic, Gov. Lamont has put Connecticut families and kids first,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “His decisive action to get teachers and staff vaccinated is keeping schools open, so kids can safely learn in-person, and the economy can continue to grow. From leading a state with one of the highest vaccination rates in the country to helping get people back to work, Gov. Lamont has championed a science-based pandemic response, and voters won’t forget his effective leadership in the face of unprecedented challenges.”