Dem Govs Get it Done: Gov. Lamont Signs Bipartisan, “Historic” Budget to Jumpstart Connecticut Economy

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Yesterday, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont signed a transformative budget that will set the course for economic success and deliver necessary relief for Connecticut families and businesses. The budget, which passed the legislature in a bipartisan vote, sends money to communities and social services, expands access to health care, and gives tax relief to workers — all without raising taxes. The budget also has an “unprecedented” built-in surplus of $2.3 billion, in a “first of its kind” system “designed to bring stability to state finances.”

The Editorial Board of The Day praised the budget, saying,

“There are reforms in unemployment benefits that will save businesses money. An enhanced Earned Income Tax Credit that will put more money in the pockets of about 200,000 low-income worker households. And there is increased support for workforce development and $15 million to promote tourism and help that industry recover. It is a budget that should help, not hinder, an economic recovery, which would not have been the case with a tax-heavy budget.”

In his first term, Gov. Lamont has taken several critical steps to foster economic success and opportunity in Connecticut, increasing access to affordable health care and raising the minimum wage to $15. His bold and unifying leadership continues to earn him consistently high approval ratings across party lines.