Dem Govs Get It Done: Gov. Janet Mills Restores Municipal Revenue Sharing to Five Percent

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Municipal Revenue Pays for Services Like Police and Fire Departments 

Gov. Janet Mills recently announced that for the first time since 2009, Maine’s municipal revenue sharing has been fully restored to five percent as demanded by law.

Thanks to Gov. Mills’ bipartisan leadership, Maine has increased municipal revenue sharing every year since she took office, which has helped local municipalities pay for key services like EMS and education while limiting the need to raise property taxes to pay for them instead.

“My Administration will continue to work with the Legislature in a bipartisan manner to strengthen municipal services and deliver property tax relief to Maine people,” said Gov. Mills.

Paul LePage’s administration had previously slashed the municipal revenue rate to a mere two percent to help make up for money lost from the irresponsible tax cuts LePage handed out to the wealthy.

“After enduring over 15 years of reductions, municipal leaders are relieved that the Mills Administration and Legislature recognize the importance of this program and the contributions of municipal leaders,” said Catherine Conlow, Executive Director of Maine Municipal Association.

With this achievement, Gov. Mills has yet again proven her administration’s commitment to meeting Maine’s statutory obligations and lowering costs for working people. Gov. Mills has also fully funded education for the first time in history, expanded Medicaid, and delivered much-needed tax relief.
