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Dem Govs Get it Done: Gov. Evers Follows Through on Promise to Fund Schools

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Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers announced he’s directing $110 million in federal funding to support Wisconsin kids and schools, fulfilling a promise he made to fund education when he signed the 2021-2023 state budget.

Gov. Evers is making this impressive investment of federal funding to ensure Wisconsin kids have a quality education after Republicans in the state legislature refused to adequately fund education in the budget. Despite Republicans’ failures to support schools and students, Wisconsin schools will now receive an estimated additional $133.72 in per-pupil funding thanks to Gov. Evers.

DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy said, “Gov. Evers promised to be the education governor when he ran for office. In making this historic investment in schools and students, he’s following through. Gov. Evers has repeatedly demonstrated to Wisconsinites that they can count on him to keep his promises to them, whether it’s to fund education, increase broadband infrastructure, or cut taxes for working families.” 

Read more about Gov. Evers’ investment in education below:

Channel 3000: Evers follows through on promise to give Wisconsin schools $110 million in federal aid

Gov. Tony Evers has followed through on a promise he made months ago to use millions in federal funding to support Wisconsin kids and schools.

During a Thursday morning press conference at a Milwaukee-area high school, Evers announced $110 million of federal coronavirus relief funds will be distributed to all Wisconsin school districts, equaling an additional $133.72 in per-pupil aid.

“Our kids and schools have faced unprecedented challenges during the coronavirus pandemic—from distance learning to reducing class sizes, to spending money that had been budgeted for pencils on PPE,” Evers said. “This $110 million investment is an opportunity for schools to invest directly into programming to help students both in and out of the classroom, allowing schools to hire additional educators and staff, provide more educational and extracurricular opportunities, invest in mental health supports, buy art supplies or computers, or keep the lights on—whatever they need and, most importantly, whatever our kids need. I’ve always said what’s best for our kids is what’s best for our state, and these funds will go a long way toward helping ensure our kids get the services and resources they need to rebound and recover.”

During the 2021-23 budget process, Evers said he wanted to tap into the state’s projected $4.4 billion surplus to increase the state’s K-12 funding, but the GOP-led legislature, which ultimately wrote its own budget that was later signed by Evers, disagreed.

When signing the GOP-written 21-23 budget, Evers said its education funding “isn’t good enough for our kids” and promised to give schools $100 million to use to their liking to fill any potential gaps in the budget. Evers said he signed the budget so the state wouldn’t miss out on billions in federal coronavirus relief funds.
