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Day 9 – #TBT: Four Years Ago, Rauner Had Unity Luncheon the Day After Primary Election

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Today, Rauner Still Has Not Spoken with Ives, Even Though She Received 48% of the Primary Vote

It’s now been 9 days since Governor Bruce Rauner was nearly rejected by Republican primary voters, but he still has not spoken with his primary opponent, state Representative Jeanne Ives. Republican State Representative David McSweeney lamented yesterday that “Democrats have already had a unity breakfast” and he did not know “where things stand on the Governor reaching out to conservatives and asking for support.”
Four years ago, it was a different story. The Illinois Republican Party held a unity luncheon the day after Rauner’s 2014 primary win where he focused on an “economic agenda and soft-pedaling social issues such as abortion.” Today, Rauner is still trying to unite the party by downplaying social issues, except this time Republicans aren’t buying it.

Photo via Illinois Review

“It’s been nine days since the election, and Bruce Rauner has still not held a unity rally or reached out to the 48% of Republicans that voted to oust him,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner’s campaign is in real trouble – with rock-bottom approval ratings and a fractured party behind him, his decision to ignore Jeanne Ives and her supporters is perplexing. Is Rauner just worried no one will come if he throws a party?”