Danielle Neuschwanger Calls for Jailing of Secretary of State
Does Hiding Heidi Agree?
At a GOP gubernatorial forum yesterday, far-right extremist Danielle Neuschwanger said she wants Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold jailed.
“We need to shut down Jena Griswold,” Neuschwanger said. “I would like nothing more than to see that Gris-zly bear behind bars.”
Neuschwanger has based her campaign on the Big Lie, and, in previous forums too, she repeated the baseless conspiracy theory that the election “was stolen from us.”
Noticeably absent from the forum was fellow extremist Heidi Ganahl, who conveniently avoided saying whether she believes the Secretary of State should be jailed. Despite her absence, Ganahl has already made her views about election conspiracy theories clear. Ganahl was caught admitting that she believes the Big Lie and she proudly endorsed an election conspiracy group.
But Neuschwanger is quickly gaining momentum, winning multiple forum straw polls while Ganahl faces abysmal fundraising numbers. Will Ganahl double down on her own extreme views to try and win back the far-right?
“The Colorado GOP primary is descending into far-right chaos, and Heidi Ganahl is nowhere to be found,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “While Danielle Neuschwanger steals the spotlight with her extremist lies, how far will Hiding Heidi go to get it back? Does Ganahl agree that the Secretary of State should be jailed for doing her job during the election?”