Crickets from Stefanowski in Connecticut As He Refuses to Support Protections for Reproductive Rights that Even His Running Mate Voted For

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As the SCOTUS draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade threatens reproductive rights like never before, Bob Stefanowski is hiding from Connecticut voters. Stefanowski is refusing to support recent legislation signed by Gov. Lamont that protects abortion access in Connecticut — despite his own running mate voting for it.

The Hartford Courant wrote: Stefanowski had remained silent on House Bill 5414 in the three weeks since it cleared the House of Representatives on an 87-60 vote, with Devlin and six other Republicans voting with 80 Democrats in support.” 

Stefanowski’s running mate said she hadn’t discussed the legislation with him and the Hartford Courant reported that “Stefanowski’s campaign said…he had no further comment,” which shouldn’t be a surprise given Stefanowski’s record of supporting Donald Trump and the conservative justices who are threatening Roe v. Wade.

Gov. Lamont called out Stefanowski’s silence, saying, “​​I think that any candidate for governor has got to speak up and let us know where you stand. What have I heard from the Republican candidate for governor? Crickets.” 

“Bob Stefanowski’s refusal to support these vital and bipartisan protections for reproductive rights in Connecticut shows he can’t be trusted,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “Gov. Lamont, on the other hand, has fought tooth-and-nail every day in office to protect reproductive rights. With the ongoing threats to Roe v. Wade, Connecticut voters won’t stand for crickets from the GOP nominee for governor.”