Count ‘Em: Three Former Walker Cabinet Secretaries Speak Out Against His Failures and Lies
Over the weekend, a third former cabinet secretary of Scott Walker’s spoke out against the governor’s failed leadership and lies.
Former Transportation Secretary Mark Gottlieb told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that “the GOP governor isn’t telling the truth about road projects and is taking a high-risk gamble that could see the state invest billions of dollars in obsolete highways.”
This comes after former Financial Institutions Secretary Peter Bildsten cut an ad for Tony Evers’ campaign, saying that he was required to give special treatment to Walker campaign donors and told to not create records that could become public through open records requests.
And former Corrections Secretary Ed Wall also made an ad for Evers and published a book in which he criticized Walker for mishandling the situation at the Lincoln Hills School for Boys. Wall also said that he Walker put his presidential ambitions ahead of state business.
“With three of his former cabinet secretaries publicly criticizing him ahead of the toughest election he’s ever faced, Scott Walker finds himself in deep, deep trouble,” said DGA Press Secretary Melissa Miller. “Walker puts his own political ambitions ahead of Wisconsin’s welfare—its roads, its families’ financial security, and its public safety. Even those closest to him know it’s time for a change.”