Corrupt Joe Lombardo Exposed Again as LVMPD Sued for Failing to Disclose Emails

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On Friday, a lawsuit was filed against the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department for their repeated failure to disclose emails involving Joe Lombardo and his campaign using taxpayer-funded department resources.

The lawsuit says Lombardo shared information about his police agency with campaign consultants to “improve his chances of winning office.”

A small sample of the shared emails revealed: “Sheriff Lombardo was using his government-issued email address to engage in political activity during his hours of employment,” violating Nevada law.

Lombardo is already facing an ethics complaint about using his uniform in campaign ads and using his public office to benefit his campaign. And the LVMPD has a long history of hiding documents until forced to release them through litigation.

“Lombardo should explain to voters why he chose to roll the dice with taxpayer funds and why his department so often prefers darkness to government accountability,” the Las Vegas Review-Journal wrote of Lombardo’s terrible record of non-transparency.

“Since Day One of his campaign, Joe Lombardo has used the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to advance his political ambitions rather than protect the people of Clark County,” said DGA Senior Communication Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Now, it seems clear he’s got the department to do his dirty work — hiding potentially compromising emails from the public. Nevadans deserve transparency from elected leaders, not slick Joe Lombardo, who is using a tax-payer-funded department to try to gain a political promotion.”
