Congress Set for Final Vote on Rauner-Approved Middle-Class Tax Hike

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Illinois Families Will Pay More in Taxes and Health Care, Will Be Saddled with Higher Debt

Today, the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives are set to vote on their tax scam bill with the encouragement of Governor Bruce Rauner. The Rauner-supported bill will raise taxes on middle-class families, increase health care costs, and explode the deficit all while drastically cutting taxes for the wealthiest Americans.

Estimates show Illinois is going to be hit particularly hard by the bill:

  • Within years of passage, families across the country making less than $75,000 will pay more in taxes. The top 1% will see an average tax cut of $100,000. 
  • Crain’s Chicago reported that many Chicago-area counties will see a 6% to 9% drop in future home values due to reductions to state and local tax deductions. 
  • By ending the individual mandate, premiums will increase for an Illinois family on the health care exchange by $1,940.

Rauner has been asked repeatedly about the tax bill and not once stood up for Illinois families:

  • In October, Rauner said he has “no obligation” to comment on changes like reducing the SALT deduction.
  • In late November, Rauner came out in support, saying “I’m applauding Congress. I hope they come through.” The Sun-Times reported that moments later the Rauner-funded Illinois GOP tweeted out in support of the plan. 
  • Over the next few weeks, Rauner admitted the tax plan would benefit the wealthiest over the middle-class, and would hit Illinois harder due to SALT deductions. Yet, he still cheered Congress on. 

Other Republican governors have come out in strong opposition, including Charlie Baker of Massachusetts, John Kasich of Ohio, and Phil Scott of Vermont. Instead, Rauner threw in with congressional Republicans and President Trump. 

“When push came to shove, Bruce Rauner stood with President Trump and supported higher middle-class taxes,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Illinois families’ pocketbooks are going to be hit hard by the GOP tax scam and Bruce Rauner does not seem to care. Instead, he cheered on Congress while they passed a bill benefiting the wealthiest Americans at the expense of everyone else. Once again, Rauner failed the people of Illinois.”