Christie and Guadagno: Together Forever

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Christie and Guadagno: Together Forever 

Guadagno in 2015: ‘completely together on every issue’ with Christie 

With Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno launching her campaign to replace Gov. Chris Christie today, New Jersey voters are presented with a candidate who has stood “completely together on every issue” with the historically disliked, outgoing Republican governor in the Garden State.   

Much has been made about the “long odds” Republican candidates face in running against Christie’s failed record in office. But as Christie’s second-in-command, Guadagno has welcomed the ties with open arms:  

“The way we set this up for the first time was so that we were completely together on every issue,” Guadagno said of her and Christie in 2015. “We have one communications office; we have one policy office, one briefing office, one scheduling office. We all work together to make decisions in the governor’s office and so I don’t see any difference quite frankly.” 

“For the last seven years, Kim Guadagno has been ‘completely together on every issue’ with Gov. Chris Christie,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “From Bridgegate to the record-breaking 10 credit downgrades to the state’s $135 billion pension crisis, Guadagno has been in lockstep with Chris Christie since day one. We look forward to her campaigning on this record in 2017 and reminding voters about the Christie/Guadagno administration in New Jersey.” 
