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Chris Sununu Vetoes Minimum Wage Increase Again After Taking $31k In Pay Raises For Himself

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New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu vetoed a minimum wage increase today, refusing to give Granite Staters a pay increase while they are reeling from the health and financial impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. This is the second time in the last two years “SuNoNo” has denied hard-working Granite Staters a well-deserved pay raise. 

Sununu is doing just fine though – he accepted a $20,000 raise last year and took $11,000 more for himself in January. So while he’s refusing to give a pay raise to hard-working people who are struggling, he has no problem accepting his $31,000 raise.

Sununu called raising the minimum wage “dumb” and “disastrous,” but a minimum wage increase would directly help 115,000 Granite Staters. Too bad Sununu doesn’t serve Granite Staters, he only serves special interest groups. While denying raises to workers on the front lines of COVID-19, he proposed tax cuts for out-of-state corporations.

It’s not Sununu who deserves a pay raise – it’s the hard working people of New Hampshire.

“It is ‘dumb’ and ‘disastrous’ that Chris Sununu vetoed a pay increase for Grante Staters in the middle of a pandemic,” said DGA National Press Secretary Jerusalem Demsas. ”While Granite Staters continue to lose their jobs and struggle to make ends meet, Chris Sununu refuses to return his $31,000 raise.”