Chris Christie vs. the world (or, at least, Democratic governors)

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Chris Christie likes to mix it up; this much we know.
But increasingly, the pugilistic New Jersey governor isn’t just going at it with reporters or hecklers, but also with fellow governors. And in a way that governors historically have avoided.
A spat with California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) in recent days has quickly devolved into the kind of war of words you might see in a second-grade schoolyard. And it’s just the latest example of Christie openly feuding with another governor of the opposite party.
Christie has also spent time this year engaging with Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy (D) and Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D), meaning he has now gone at it with 15 percent of the Democratic governors in this country. (Math!)
But while Christie was once riding high and touting the “Jersey Comeback,” his state’s worsening economic outlook makes exchanges like these tougher for him to win.
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