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CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Steve Pearce Admits He is More Extreme than Trump on DACA

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Steve Pearce was caught on video earlier this week admitting that his position on New Mexico’s Dreamers is to the right of President Trump. During a speech to students on Monday at Western New Mexico University, Pearce answered a question about Dreamers by saying, “We’re also not gonna give citizenship, so I fall short of that. The President has said that he would go further than I would. He would go up to a pathway.”

Pearce has recently tried to conceal his real record on the DREAM Act and DACA. But this video shows that his record is extreme in opposing DREAMers. In 2013, he voted to deport an estimated 800,000 Dream Act eligible young people. In 2014, he was caught on tape literally running away from dreamers. And just last month, he voted to abandon DREAMers and leave these young immigrants without protection from deportation.

“Steve Pearce himself admits that his approach to New Mexico’s Dreamers is more extreme than President Trump—and he was caught on tape saying so,” said DGA Press Secretary Melissa Miller. “All the election year campaign gimmicks and record coverup attempts in the world won’t be able to change the fact that Steve Pearce would deny citizenship to young New Mexico immigrants who are just trying to make a life in the only country they’ve ever known. More extreme than Donald Trump is certainly too extreme for New Mexico.”