Caught on Tape: Another Tracker Blunder for Wagner in PA-Gov

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Religious Leaders Call On Wagner to Apologize for ‘Hungarian Jew’ Comment

Pennsylvania Republican Scott Wagner is under fire once again for actions caught on tape by a tracker.
Wagner was greeting supporters last week, when he saw a campaign tracker and launched into a diatribe against George Soros, calling him a “Hungarian Jew” with a “hatred for America.”
Wagner’s comments, which seemed to imply that a Jewish immigrant is incapable of loving America, raised eyebrows around the state. From the Philly Inquirer report:

We asked Wagner why he engages with trackers, who are always on the lookout for a slipup.
‘This can be really vicious and brutal,’ Wagner said. ‘I’m trying to bring a little humor into it.’
By calling Soros a Hungarian Jew?  How often does Wagner, a millionaire who runs a trucking and waste-hauling company, get called a York County German American?

In response, a group of Rabbis and clergymen wrote a letter to Wagner calling on him to apologize for his comments:

In an open letter to Wagner, three rabbis, two Baptist preachers and St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Dallastown Rev. Christopher Rodkey are calling on Wagner to apologize “to not only members of the Jewish community that you were elected to serve, but to all Pennsylvanians that you hope to represent as governor one day.” 
‘This type of hateful behavior has no place in our political environment,’ the religious leaders wrote.

It’s not the first time Wagner lost his cool for being taped. Earlier this year, he got into a physical altercation with a tracker which resulted in a police investigation.
From physically attacking trackers, to spewing anti-Semitic rhetoric, Wagner has repeatedly shown he is unfit to be Pennsylvania’s next governor.
