Bruce Poliquin: Running From Constituents, Running For Governor?

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Likely Gov. Candidate Ditches Hometown Town Halls

Maine Congressman Bruce Poliquin was missing in action in his district yesterday. Poliquin, one of the GOP establishment’s preferred gubernatorial candidates for 2018, failed to show up for a series of town halls and local events.
Poliquin’s conspicuous absence even inspired a search party, according to The (Belfast) Republican Journal:
“Members of the search party took aim at ‘No-show Po’ for failing to appear at local town hall meetings and other events to which he was invited, and refusing to state his positions in advance of key votes on reproductive rights, internet privacy and environmental regulations.”

Poliquin has been taking heat for dodging questions and rubber-stamping President Trump’s agenda:
“Protester Meredith Bruskin said Poliquin, who represents Maine’s 2nd District, voted for bills supported by President Donald Trump 92 percent of the time (in key votes, Poliquin voted with the Republican majority 13 out of 14 times since Trump took office, or 92.9 percent of the time).”
The shadow of Trump’s unpopular policies won’t disappear for Poliquin, especially if he chooses to run statewide.
