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Breaking: Rauner Refuses to Commit to Staying in Illinois if He Loses – Sights Set on Italy

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“Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo Bruce Rauner.” Is this what Governor Bruce Rauner’s future holds? Today, the embattled Illinois governor refused to commit to sticking around the state if he loses his re-election bid. Apparently, he’s got his sights set on the Italian peninsula.
Last night, the DuPage Policy Journal reported that Rauner’s wife Diana told a crowd they would move to Italy if her husband is voted out of office. Rauner was asked about it today, and he refused to commit to staying in Illinois:

Che cosa? With approval ratings in the low 30’s, and a surprisingly competitive primary tomorrow, Rauner could be packing for his Roman holiday sooner than expected.
“It’s discouraging to hear Bruce Rauner would bail on Illinois if voters boot him out of office,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner’s commitment to the state apparently only lasts until the next election. But make no mistake, Rauner will be leaving the state in worse shape than he found it. Arrivederci, Bruce!”