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Boston Globe: “Most of the Party’s Candidates for Statewide Office This Year Revere Donald Trump and Reject the Politics of…Charlie Baker”

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Reporting in the Boston Globe is detailing how, in Massachusetts, “the moderate GOP teeters on the brink of extinction,” as the GOP candidates flock to Donald Trump and reject Gov. Charlie Baker.

The Globe writes, “this year, at least, it’s the Trump-influenced wing of the Massachusetts GOP that will appear on the ballot.” 

Nowhere is that clearer than in the governor’s race, where Geoff Diehl, who won the MA GOP’s endorsement and is dominating the Republican field, is going “all-in on Trump.”

Diehl and the rest of his party’s support for far-right extreme positions puts them on the opposite side of the vast majority of Massachusetts voters on key issues like gun safety and reproductive rights. The Globe notes, “Seventy-four percent of Massachusetts adults believe abortion should be legal in most or all cases..and 98 percent of registered voters support background checks for anyone who buys a gun. The state GOP’s leadership vehemently opposes abortion, and…Diehl, has in the past earned support from the National Rifle Association.”

“The Massachusetts GOP is leaving Charlie Baker in the dust in favor of a full-blown Trump makeover — and Geoff Diehl is leading the way,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “The further Diehl drags Republicans down the MAGA rabbit hole, the more Massachusetts looks poised to elect a Democratic governor this November.”