Bob Stefanowski Campaigns With Chris Sununu Who Signed Extreme Abortion Ban

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Stefanowski Can’t Hide From Out-of-Touch Abortion Record

As Roe v. Wade remains under threat, Bob Stefanowski is campaigning with Republican Gov. Chris Sununu, who signed a dangerous abortion ban into law in New Hampshire, showing once again that Stefanowski is too radical for Connecticut when it comes to protecting reproductive rights.

I’m the first governor in 40 years to sign an abortion ban,” Sununu boasted last month. “I’ve done more on the pro-life issue than anyone.”

Stefanowski has already shown he can’t be trusted to protect access to abortion rights. He supported Trump and Trump-nominated justices who are now on the verge of overturning Roe, and his campaign has been propped up by several other radicals.

Stefanowski planned on fundraising with RGA co-chair Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts, who supports banning abortion with no exceptions — even for rape or incest. And he’s accepted support from Sean Fieler, a notorious anti-choice extremist.

“Anti-choice extremists are piling onto Bob Stefanowski’s campaign because they know he’s on their side,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “Stefanowski can’t run from their records of banning abortion or hide his own out-of-touch views that make him too radical for Connecticut.”
