Billionaire Bruce's Miserable Week In Headlines

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Billionaire Bruce Rauner had a truly miserable week. In a shocking admission, he revealed he’s a member of an exclusive $140,000 wine club. He got caught calling for the elimination of the minimum wage despite making $53 million in the year he retired. He ran an ad touting his everyman van, but actually pays $100,000 for his Chicago parking spot. And he told middle-class families who struggled through the Great Recession to “get over it.”
Voters already understand that Billionaire Bruce would never fight for middle-class families as governor. With every new revelation, he’s ensuring he’ll never get the chance.
Here’s a sample of this week’s coverage:
The Chicago Sun-Times: “Rauner admits he once favored eliminating minimum wage”
NBC Chicago: “Rauner Pulls a Romney In Minimum Wage Confession”
The Chicago Sun-Times: “Rahm uses Twitter to call out Bruce Rauner’s minimum wage comment”
CBS Chicago: “Vallas Renews Quinn Campaign Attack On Rauner’s Minimum Wage Stance”
The Chicago Sun-Times: “Vallas: Rauner minimum wage gaffe like Romney 47-percent moment”
WLS: “Vallas questions Rauner’s position on minimum wage”
Capitol Fax: “Pre-candidate Rauner: “‘Markets are cyclical. Get over it.’”
The Chicago Sun-Times: “Bruce Rauner confirms he belongs to $100,000 wine club”
The Washington Post: “Bruce Rauner spends more on wine than average Illinois households spend on everything”
USA TODAY: “GOP governor candidate belongs to exclusive wine club”
NBC Chicago: “Rauner Admits Belonging to $140,000 Wine Club”
Talking Points Memo: “Wealthy GOP Guv. Candidate: ‘Yes’ I Belong To A $100,000 Wine Club”
Crain’s Chicago Business: “Rauner’s $100,000 question”
CBS Chicago: “Rauner Admits Belonging To $100,000 Wine Club”
The Chicago Sun-Times: “Republican private equity investor Bruce Rauner admitted earlier this year that he once favored the outright elimination of Illinois’ minimum wage.”
The Chicago Tribune: “Members of the Napa Valley Reserve winery reportedly pay as much as a $140,000 initiation fee to work with famed winemaker H. William Harlan.”
MSNBC: “In other words, say hello to Illinois’ Mitt Romney.”
Washington Post: “The latest to open himself up to Romney vintage attacks is Bruce Rauner, the Republican nominee for governor of Illinois. Rauner on Tuesday acknowledged to reporters that he belongs to an exclusive wine club that costs more than $100,000 to join. The Democratic attack ad practically writes itself.  After all, Democrats have long been eager for any chance they get to cast Rauner as the Romney of 2014. The Democratic Governors Association released a video last month tying the two together and accusing Rauner, a former private equity executive, of outsourcing jobs.”
The Chicago Sun-Times: “The Sun-Times has previously reported that Rauner, who owns nine homes, spent $100,000 for an additional parking spot and storage space at 340 E. Randolph, where he owns a $4 million penthouse and a $1.2 million condo purchased in 2008 — which already include three parking spots. During his campaign, Rauner has made use of the private jet belonging to his top donor and friend, billionaire Ken Griffin.”