Bevin Tells Taxpayers Out-Of-State Trips On Their Dime Are “None Of Their Business”
A report earlier this week from the Courier-Journal detailed Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin’s out-of-state trips on a state-owned plane. Bevin refused to disclose the reason for many of these trips.
Now Bevin says it’s “none of their business.” He also said, “I have used the plane for personal reasons and used it to speak to different organizations.”
Bevin refuses to be transparent with Kentucky taxpayers. He didn’t disclose his tax returns and faces questions about a mansion he purchased at below-market value. Bevin even gave one of his buddies a taxpayer-funded raise of $215,000.
Kentucky taxpayers deserve to know why Bevin is using a state plane as his own personal playtoy, but instead, Bevin insulted Kentuckians.
“Kentucky taxpayers deserve to know why Matt Bevin is using their money to jet set across the country,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “Bevin responded with his usual derision of Kentuckians further showing what makes him the country’s most unpopular governor. In November, Kentuckians will show Bevin being governor is none of his business.”