Back in the U.S., Rauner Gets Back to What He Does Best – Failing to Protect Illinoisans

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In Debates on HB40 and Trumpcare, Rauner’s Position Is “For Himself”

This week Governor Bruce Rauner resumed public duties in Illinois and returned to doing what he does best – failing to protect Illinois voters on politically inconvenient issues. Rauner’s homecoming was greeted by questions about HB40 and the newest version of Trumpcare, and he dodged them both.
HB40 protects women’s access to abortion, a goal Rauner once supported as candidate. As Governor, Rauner has taken every side of the issue except one – pledging to sign the legislation. That trend continued yesterday. Rauner said he had not made a decision on the bill, even though it was passed four months ago. Rauner’s public waffling on the issue shows he’s more interested in protecting his political life than protecting Illinois women.
With Republicans trying once more to overhaul health care, which will cost the state at minimum $1.4 billion in 2026 while cutting essential protections, Rauner again passed on the opportunity to join other Republican governors in opposing the bill. Instead Rauner said he “expressed concerns” about the effort…but was not concerned enough to actually take a position.
John Kass of the Chicago Tribune recently asked if Rauner was “just another transactional man, a politician without a core, lost in the winds and beginning to frighten his campaign contributors?”
Asked and answered.
“Governor Rauner’s looking out for himself, not the people of Illinois,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner’s refusal to protect Illinoisans on important issues like health care and choice is just another example of his failed leadership. Illinois voters deserve a governor who fights for middle-class families, but Rauner seems more interested in playing politics.”
