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As SCOTUS Loosens Gun Laws, Both Schulz and Cox Have a Record of Making It Easier for Criminals to Carry Guns

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Kelly Schulz and Dan Cox have long records of making it easier for criminals to carry guns — a dangerous and out-of-touch stance that’s even more threatening now that Maryland’s existing gun safety laws are in peril.

The Supreme Court’s decision today to strike down a New York gun safety law could have “a major impact” on Maryland, which has a similar law requiring “proper cause” to get a license to carry a concealed handgun outside the home.

Schulz voted against commonsense gun safety legislation after the Sandy Hook massacre, boasts of being endorsed by the NRA, and even co-sponsored a bill to allow people on probation to possess guns.

Cox supports criminal carry and even raffled off an AR-15 rifle at his campaign launch.

“Kelly Schulz and Dan Cox’s dangerous stances on guns will put more guns on the street, make it easier for criminals to carry firearms, and put law enforcement and Marylanders in danger,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Sam Newton. “Both candidates in Maryland’s MAGA primary have a record of relentlessly assaulting popular safety measures, and today’s Supreme Court decision confirms we must defeat Schulz, Cox, and their radical agendas to make Maryland a safer place to live.” 

*For those keeping count at Kelly Schulz HQ, this is press release #10 in 3 months.
