As Floridians Receive Billions in COVID Relief, Gov. Ron DeSantis Opposes American Rescue Plan

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Today, Vice President Kamala Harris is scheduled to visit Jacksonville, Florida to celebrate the passage of the American Rescue Plan. As stimulus checks continue to hit bank accounts and other relief is doled out to Floridians, Gov. Ron DeSantis still opposes the bill and says Florida was “treated very poorly.”

Floridians stand to benefit greatly from the bill Gov. DeSantis opposes. Overall, the state is set to receive $17.6 billion –  including $7 billion in relief for K-12 schools and stimulus checks for 89% of adults and 89% of children. The Child Tax Credit will provide additional relief to 3.8 million children and help lift 272,000 children out of poverty in Florida.

The ARP is extremely popular – 70% percent of Americans support the plan, and 64% of Republicans support the stimulus checks, a key element of the proposal.

While DeSantis opposes this popular relief bill for working families, he’s still under fire for prioritizing vaccines for wealthy retirement communities and wealthy Republican donors and then lying about it.

“As 14 million Floridians receive stimulus checks, Gov. Ron DeSantis still opposes relief for the Sunshine State,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “DeSantis stands against relief that will help increase vaccinations and cut child poverty in half, all to prove his allegiance to the GOP. The American Rescue Plan provides transformational relief to Florida, but DeSantis is too busy selling vaccines to wealthy donors to care.”