Another RGA Recruit Bites the Dust, Mayor Erin Stewart Says She Won’t Run for Governor in Connecticut

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After failing to win her party’s nomination for lieutenant governor in 2018, Erin Stewart is once again abandoning a run for Connecticut’s highest office. Stewart announced earlier this week she will not run for governor next year, in yet another huge fail for the Republican Governors Association as they lose candidate after candidate for 2022.

The Connecticut GOP is clearly scared to take on Democratic Gov. Ned Lamont, who has one of the highest approval ratings in the country on his handling of the pandemic. A recent Sacred Heart University poll showed nearly 71% of respondents approved of Gov. Lamont’s handling of the crisis.

Sabato’s Crystal Ball has said Gov. Lamont is a “strong position for reelection,” and has ranked the race “likely Democrat,” citing his soaring approval ratings.

“Someone might want to check on the RGA – they’re hemorrhaging potential candidates over there,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Connecticut GOP candidates are clearly afraid to run against Gov. Ned Lamont given his political strength – he’s an extremely popular governor in a state that went for Biden by 20 points. Thanks to his strong, steady leadership on the pandemic, Gov. Ned Lamont is in a strong position for re-election next year.”