Abraham, Rispone Find Few Donors Willing To Take Louisiana Back To The Failed Jindal Era

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Abraham netted only $330K from the last fundraising period, Rispone lost $575K

Meanwhile: Gov. John Bel Edwards breaks record for most COH for an incumbent governor at this point in the cycle

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards was prohibited from raising money during a legally-mandated 90-day fundraising blackout during the legislative session. Instead of using this period to stock their campaign coffers, Abraham and Rispone used their time to….it’s unclear actually. 
Despite missing 39% of all votes cast this year in Congress, Abraham only netted $330K to his campaign while Rispone lost $575K during the last fundraising period. Rispone has been a loyal Republican party insider for decades—but these relationships have not translated to his campaign. 
Meanwhile, Gov. Edwards has $9.6 million cash on hand, more than any Louisiana incumbent governor at this point in the election. 
“It’s no surprise why Abraham and Rispone’s campaigns are floundering since they are both running on Jindal’s failed policies,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “Gov. Edwards’ bipartisan leadership is turning Louisiana around from the failed Jindal era. Edwards turned a $2 billion budget deficit into a surplus, gave educators their first pay raise in a decade, expanded health care to more than 450,000 working Louisianans, and presided over the lowest unemployment rate in a decade. Gov. Edwards has a record to be proud of and is in a strong position to win re-election.”