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After Trump’s Call to Punish Women, Will Martinez Speak Up?

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After Trump’s Call to Punish Women, Will Martinez Speak Up?

Yesterday, GOP presidential front-runner Donald J. Trump suggested that in order to enforce a ban on abortions, he would support imposing “some form of punishment” on women who receive the procedure.

 Yet, even after Trump’s comments sparked a fury of criticism from both the left and right, New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez continued her vow of silence when it comes to supporting Trump. For the last month, the RGA Chair has dodged reporters and refused to answer if she would support Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for president.

 After Trump’s comments on punishing women, will Martinez finally speak up?

 “Susana Martinez has been in hiding for the entire month of March and still refuses to answer if she would support Donald Trump for president,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Trump’s comments on punishing women show what’s at stake in this election. It’s time for Martinez to get off the sidelines and answer this simple question: will you support Donald Trump for president?”
