5 Days Before Election, Kim Guadagno Still Can’t Escape Christie Legacy
With only 5 days to go before polls close in New Jersey, Kim Guadagno is still facing questions about her inability to separate herself from the phenomenally unpopular Governor with whom she served.
Tuesday, conservative radio host Dom Giordano asked her, “We see Governor Christie’s approval according to the Q poll down to about 14%. What do you say when you’re asked—there’s constant ads, some listeners have asked me—about Governor Christie and your policies say versus his.”
To which Guadagno replied, “Chris Christie is not going to be on the ballot. If the only argument you have for becoming the Governor of the state of New Jersey is that, you know, Chris Christie is on the ballot, well you’re in big trouble because his name isn’t going to appear anywhere.”
“Kim Guadagno previously said she was ‘proud’ to serve in the Christie Administration, so it’s no wonder she’s unable to escape his toxic disapproval ratings as she runs to replace him,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “New Jersey knows Guadagno’s real record of standing with Christie through damaging ethic scandals, 11 credit downgrades, defunding Planned Parenthood, and worsening schools and infrastructure. And voters have had enough of the disastrous Christie-Guadagno agenda.”