Trump Headed To Florida, Will Gubernatorial Candidates Join Him On the Stump?

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Donald Trump is on his way to Pensacola, Florida for a campaign rally, but so far Governor Rick Scott, Speaker Richard Corcoran, Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam and Congressman Ron DeSantis have failed to indicate whether they will be joining the President on the stump.  

This evening’s rally is widely regarded as a de-facto get out the vote rally for accused pedophile Roy Moore, but to make it through a potentially crowded gubernatorial primary, these candidates will need the support of Trump’s most diehard fans.

“Governor Scott and gubernatorial wannabes Corcoran, DeSantis, and Putnam are in the unenviable position of either stumping with President Trump for an accused child molester or alienating the President’s diehard supporters as they look towards a fierce primary in 2018,” said DGA Communications Director Jared Leopold. “Will they or won’t they? Florida voters will be eagerly tuning in this evening to see whether these GOP contenders show up.”