SUNUNU SAID WHAT?: New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu Thinks Raising The Minimum Wage Is Dumb

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New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu keeps proving he’s out-of-touch with working Granite Staters. Today, he said, “We are not doing dumb things like raising the minimum wage. That would be disastrous.”
Sununu took a $20,000 raise but vetoed a minimum wage increase for Granite Staters. Raising the minimum wage to $12 would directly affect 115,000 New Hampshire workers.
And his decision is harming the state. Some workers are even traveling to neighboring states with a higher minimum wage just so they can afford to put food on the table.
This isn’t Sununu’s first time insulting New Hampshire families. Chris Sununu called paid family leave a vacation not once, but twice. After he vetoed a paid family leave bill, Chris Sununu auctioned off a copy of the bill to the highest bidder.
“Chris Sununu just can’t stop insulting the Granite State families he’s harming,” said DGA Communications Director David Turner. “Instead of working to raise wages, Chris Sununu vetoed a bill to help 115,000 New Hampshire families and now he’s disrespecting them. New Hampshire deserves a governor who will work to raise wages for all Granite Staters—not just their own.”