Statement from DGA Chair Governor Martin O’Malley on the House Republican Budget

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Governor Martin O’Malley, chair of the Democratic Governors Association, released the following statement on the Medicare-cutting budget unveiled today by House Republicans:
“The irresponsible budget House Republicans released today counts on mass amnesia on the part of the American people – relying on the same failed policies that drove our economy to the brink of a second Great Depression, and imperiling the steady progress we’ve made toward economic recovery and job creation. The Republicans’ plan would end Medicare as we know it, breaking promises and shifting the rising burden of health care costs to seniors while preserving tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires and special interests. We must take a balanced approach to getting our fiscal house in order – not place the burden for balancing our budget on the backs of senior Americans and middle class families.
“Democratic governors continue to prioritize job creation, expanding opportunity, and making the modern investments a modern economy needs to promote continued growth in their states. Unfortunately, the Republicans’ reckless budget is long on scoring political points with the extreme right wing of their base, but offers nothing in the way of solutions that would improve the lives of middle class families across the country.”