ROUNDUP: Dem Govs Emerge from NGA United on Jobs and Health Care, While GOP Govs Remain Stuck in Discord

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ROUNDUP: Dem Govs Emerge from NGA United on Jobs and Health Care, While GOP Govs Remain Stuck in Discord

Democratic governors are emerging from this year’s National Governors Association Winter Meeting as a unified front dedicated to promoting jobs and protecting health care for their residents. In particular, Democratic governors spent the past few days demonstrating their opposition to Congressional health care plans that would shift the costs of Medicaid to the states via a block grant or per-capita-cap proposals.

In contrast, Republican governors continued battling with each other over Congressional plans to rip health care away from millions of Americans. 

Here’s what Democratic governors and news reports from around the country are saying:


Democratic governors are unified on creating jobs and protecting health care. 

  • “A group of Democratic governors is pressing the party to set one concern above all the rest: jobs… With Republicans holding the White House and Congress, Democratic governors have taken a central role in shaping the party’s agenda.” – New York Times
  • “Democratic governors are united, meanwhile, in opposing the approaches being discussed by Hill Republicans.” – Washington Post
  • “Tensions emerged Saturday between Democratic and Republican U.S. governors over a GOP-led proposal for a major overhaul to Medicaid, with Democrats saying the changes would take away people’s health coverage to finance tax cuts for the wealthy.” – Associated Press
  • “The nation’s Democratic governors think they can make giant gains in 2018 if they stick to one message: jobs, jobs and jobs.” – Politico

Republican governors are sharply divided on health care.

  • “Governors gathered Saturday to discuss health-care policy said they didn’t reach a consensus on the future of the Medicaid program, an issue hamstringing Republicans’ bid to alter the Affordable Care Act.” – Wall Street Journal
  • “Health-care restructuring is a major focus of the governors at their annual winter meeting, given likely changes to Medicaid that have potentially large implications for state budgets. Republican governors have been meeting among themselves and with members of Congress, seeking consensus on a way forward, but so far have not found it.” – Washington Post
  • “Republican governors are split over an Obamacare replacement plan — just like their counterparts in Congress.” – Politico
  • “Republican governors divided on Obamacare replacement.” – Washington Post
  • “Republican governors are undecided on how far they want Congress to go in overhauling Medicaid.” – Vox
