From the Chair's Desk: Results

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I wanted to take a moment to talk to you about Wisconsin. Though we fell
short of what would have been an historic upset, I couldn’t be prouder of the work we were able to accomplish. Despite our side getting outspent nearly 10-to-1 by Walker and his right-wing cronies, the DGA’s early and unprecedented financial contribution of over $3 million helped our in-state partners narrow the spending gap on television ads in the final two weeks of the race and fund an aggressive get-out-the-vote operation that reached 1.4 million homes in the final 96 hours.
This simply would not have been possible without your support. While the Republicans cashed six- and seven-figure checks from right-wing billionaires like the Koch Brothers and Donald Trump, we did it with the help of 19,369 grassroots donations from people like you.
Since our wins in Kentucky and West Virginia last fall, we’ve now won two out of the last three competitive governor’s races and an important ballot measure in Ohio. We have been able to win despite long odds because the American people are on our side – while Scott Walker, Paul Ryan, and other extreme Republicans protect tax loopholes for
billionaires while also calling for cuts to Medicare and social security, Democratic governors have been consistent in their support for a thriving middle class.
Republican governors across the country are on notice: the people of their states will not tolerate partisan overreach. Now more than ever, we need to focus on working together to create jobs and expand opportunity for all. Thank you again for being a part of our team as we look ahead to the crucial fall campaigns.
Jobs. Opportunity. Now.,

Martin O’Malley