Rauner Getting Desperate as Primary Opponent Officially Files Challenge Campaign

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Rauner Takes Money from Koch Brothers, Supports GOP Tax Bill, and Bizarrely Claims He’s “Not in Charge” of State He’s Governed for Three Years 

Governor Bruce Rauner had a terrible week last week and woke up this morning to find his Monday was not starting off much better. Republican State Representative Jeanne Ives announced she would officially file today to run for governor, meaning the nation’s most vulnerable incumbent will face a primary challenger. 

Ives’ challenge coincides with the conservative magazine National Review putting Rauner on their cover with the headline “Worst Republican Governor in America.” Desperate for allies, Rauner accepted financial support from the infamous Koch Brothers and refused to return donations from a mega donor bankrolling Roy Moore’s Senate campaign. Rauner even took the unusual step of supporting the Republican tax bill, despite acknowledging it would not help Illinois’ middle-class.

In response to Ives’ candidacy, Rauner bizarrely claimed that he was not in charge of the state despite being Governor for three years. No desperation here.

“Bruce Rauner’s reelection campaign is going in reverse and he’s getting desperate,” said DGA Illinois Communications Director Sam Salustro. “Rauner already faces the impossible task of defending his failed record of higher debt and lower job growth. Now facing a primary challenge, Rauner has accepted help from extreme right-wing ideologues and supported Washington Republicans’ tax plan while desperately deflecting blame for his own failures. Rauner started the week as the nation’s most vulnerable incumbent and it seems like it’s only getting worse for him.”