NJ GOP Candidate Jack Ciattarelli Makes “Both Sides” Comparison on Capitol Attack

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Both GOP Gubernatorial Candidates Stop Short of Condemning Trump

In responding to the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol this week, GOP candidate for governor Jack Ciattarelli echoed President Trump’s comments after Charlottesville, saying leaders from “both parties” share responsibility for the attack and “no one is innocent here.”

This false equivalency is nonsense, and Ciattarelli knows it. The “Stop the Steal” rally that led to the riot was sparked by Trump’s false claims of election fraud and his violent rhetoric. Trump also promoted the protest weeks in advance on Twitter, and after the event, released a video telling the insurrectionists “we love you.”

While both Ciattarelli and his opponent Doug Steinhardt refuse to acknowledge Trump’s role in inciting the violence, polling shows the majority of Americans fault Trump for the insurrection.

In a desperate effort to win over Trump’s far-right base, Ciattarelli has tried to emulate Trump on the campaign trail this year. He even went so far as to headline a “Stop the Steal” rally similar to the one at the Capitol, despite having no evidence to back up Republicans’ wild claims of election fraud.

“Jack Ciattarelli’s ‘both sides’ comment is a complete load of crap, and shows he is incapable of leadership and empathy in a crisis,” said DGA Deputy Communications Director Christina Amestoy. “People lost their lives, a symbol of democracy was overrun with terrorists, and Ciattarelli is still dancing around criticizing those responsible. Republicans like Ciattarelli and Steinhardt who refuse to condemn Trump’s lies and his violent rhetoric are responsible for encouraging acts of domestic terrorism and creating more division and violence in this country.”