NEW TV AD: Congressman Hutchinson "Disconnected" From Arkansas Families

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Jobs and Opportunity, an organization affiliated with the Democratic Governors Association, today launched a significant new television ad campaign in Arkansas highlighting how former congressman, Washington lobbyist, and Virginia voter Asa Hutchinson has lost touch with the priorities of Arkansas families.
The ad, “Potential,” features Arkansas teacher Jamie Sims, who discusses how Congressman Hutchinson voted to cut aid for students trying to go to college and put big business ahead of the interests of Arkansans while he was a lobbyist in Washington.
Watch the ad HERE.
“Whether it was voting to cut college aid, making backroom deals as a D.C. lobbyist on behalf of corporate interests, or registering to vote in Virginia, Congressman Hutchinson has proven he lost touch with the priorities of Arkansas families a long time ago,” said Jobs and Opportunity spokesman Danny Kanner. “Hutchinson admitted himself that he was ‘disconnected’ from the state while he was wheeling and dealing in Washington. He’s right – and that’s not what Arkansas’ middle class needs.”
Here’s the ad backup:

Jamie Sims
McGehee, Arkansas
Asa Hutchinson
Voted to Cut
College Aid
-House of Representatives, Vote 269, 2000
I’ve be a teacher in Arkansas for over 12 years.  I see a lot of kids with a lot of potential.  They can’t afford to go to college.  That hurts me.  Asa Hutchinson, he’s just out of, out of touch with Arkansas. Asa Hutchinson, on June 13, 2000, voted for the Young amendment to the Fiscal Year 2001 Labor-HHS-Education appropriations bill, which was an amendment to cut spending across the board in the bill by 0.617 percent.  (House of Representatives Vote 269, 2000)
This was an amendment that would have cut “$52 million from Pell grants.”  (Congressman David Obey, Floor Statement, 06/13/00)
Asa Hutchinson
High Paid DC Lobbyist
-U.S. Senate Lobbying Disclosure Act Lobbying Database
Here’s a guy that was a lobbyist, who got paid to support big business. Asa Hutchinson was a
Washington, DC, lobbyist.  He lobbied for many companies, including Verizon and Hilton.  (Records from the U.S. Senate Lobbying Disclosure Act Lobbying Database)
Asa Hutchinson
Registered to Vote in Virginia
-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 1/31/04
Tell Asa Hutchinson
Stop Ignoring
A guy that was registered to vote in Virginia.  That’s about as disconnected from Arkansas as you can get.  Asa Hutchinson, you need to look out for families here. Asa Hutchinson changed his voter registration to Virginia more than a decade ago.
(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,

